$auction.getValue("title", $selectedLang)

$auction.getValue("title", $selectedLang)

Listing Number: $auction.id
Open Date:
Close Date:
Listing Type: Buy Now



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NOTE: These conversions are for informational purposes and should be treated as estimates only. Actual exchange rates may differ at the time of transaction.

What is a Maximum Bid?

Your maximum bid amount is the highest price you are willing to pay for an item (subject to shipping and handling fees, plus applicable taxes). When you place your maximum bid amount, your bid will be processed in the designated bid increment amount above the current bid. If you are outbid, the system will automatically place bids for you at the bid increment until your maximum bid is reached. By way of an example, if an auction opens at $10 with a $1 bid increment and you place a maximum bid of $100, your bid will initially be processed at $11. If another bidder places a bid at $12, the system will automatically bid $13 for you and will continue up to your maximum bid amount of $100.